Core Curriculum Beginner Curriculum Full Curriculum Instrumental Lessons PCYM: Music Starts Here!
(Age 4-7)
Ensemble (1hr)
Musicianship (1hr)
Singing (1hr)
Weekly performance (10min)
Instrumental Lesson (30min)
Ensemble/Keyboard Skills (1hr)
Musicianship (1hr)
Singing (1hr)
Weekly performance (10min)
Instrumental Lesson (30min)
Ensemble (1hr)
Musicianship (1hr)
Singing (1hr)
Weekly performance (10min)
Lesson only


with only partial timetable only

Ukulele/Recorder (30min)
Singing (30min) 
£16.50 per week
£165 per term
£495 per year
NB: Students must be having regular instrument lessons at home/school/another organisation.
£34 per week
£340 per term
£1020 per year
NB: Additional instrument lessons can be added at a cost of £17.50 per week
30min Individual:
£19 per week
£190 per term
£570 per year
15min Individual:
£9.50 per week
£95 per term
£285 per year
£5.50 per week
£55 per term
£165 per year
In addition, students can also take advantage of an individual or shared instrumental lesson should they wish at a cost of £17.50 per week for 30min lessons
No young musician will be denied a place at PCYM on financial grounds
The following Bursaries/ subsidies are available to support PCYM membership:
Means Tested:
Upon acceptance of a place at PCYM, bursaries for those needing financial support (family household income up to £39000) can be applied for. If awarded, bursaries cover a substantial amount but not all of the fees. The remainder would need to be paid by the parent/guardian of the student. Please request more information/application form from Discount:
For 2 pupils from the same family there will be a 10% discount of the total fee. For 3 or more pupils from the same family there will be a 20% discount of the total fee. NB we are unable to offer sibling discounts to those having instrument lessons only.

Music Inclusive – Fully funded and free of charge to attend

Musical Prelude (Age 3-4) – Fully funded and free of charge to attend

Parents will be invoiced at the start of the year (Or at the point they sign up mid year) and can pay:
-In Full at the start of the year-Termly by Bank Transfer- Monthly by Standing order