Peterborough Centre for Young Musicians Specific Privacy notice
The Peterborough Centre for Young Musicians (PCYM) is a partner of the Guildhall School and is a Community Interest Company managed by Peterborough Music Hub, part of Peterborough City Council. This specific privacy notice covers activities relating to the provision of under 19 programmes and widening participation activities supporting recruitment to PCYM.
The PCYM are committed to protecting your privacy; this privacy
notice explains how we use information about you and how we protect your privacy. If you have any concerns or questions about how the Centre looks after your personal information please contact Kirsten Goldthorp (Head of PCYM and Peterborough Music Hub),
The scope of this document covers all PCYM related activities, including enquirers, applicants, students, parent/carers, and freelance tutors and for the purposes of the core student record. It also covers other external users involved in the process such as external examiners and funders. This policy is of relevance to all enquirers and applicants, students, parent/carers and freelance tutors linked to PCYM
What personal data is collected about you
We may collect your data in a variety of ways, for example:
When you communicate with us by telephone, email or via our websites
When you use forms to provide data e.g. on application or enrolment
When you supply additional documentation e.g. qualification certificates or evidence of identity
As part of processes related to an enquiry, application for any course/programme administration purpose
As part of a process for the good management of the Centre’s community
From third parties for example from referees, funding bodies and schools
We may collect personal data such as the following:
Biographical information including your name, gender and date of birth
Contact details and communication preferences such as your address, email and phone number
NI number, passport number and identity details, domicile and nationality, demographic information
Photo for ID card
Video recordings, events and rehearsal photography (You should complete the photograph/video consent on the application form)
Education and employment history including references
Family or personal circumstances and extracurricular interests e.g. for assessment of suitability for
funding or support.
Family and parent/guardian details where relevant to our needs
Financial information where appropriate e.g. for applying for funding support
Your enquirer and applicant history and student record
Course and stage details
Attendance, progress and status
Assessment results
We may also collect special category data (previously ‘sensitive’)
For support and statutory/monitoring reporting: disability, health and medical conditions
For admission and safeguarding purposes: criminal convictions
For statutory monitoring and reporting purposes: racial or ethnic origin, religion or similar beliefs, sexual orientation
Personal information relating to criminal offences and convictions is also collected and although not ‘special category data’, is still sensitive in nature and merits higher protection. This would be collected for admission and safeguarding purposes. Additional personal data may be collected where relevant in relation to performance licence applications,
foreign tours, extenuating circumstances and appeals/complaints/disciplinary cases.
Reasons why we use your personal data
Specific list of uses by category See Appendix 1
a. Recruitment and admissions
b. Enrolment of students
c. Academic matters
i. Assessment and progression
ii. Core teaching and learning and academic conduct
iii. Awards
iv. Maintaining student records
v. Assessing eligibility for funding
d. Information services including email addresses
e. ID cards including photo
f. AV Recordings
g. Employment purposes
h. Monitoring equal opportunities
i. Safeguarding
j. Social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram)
k. Fees, funding and debt recovery
l. Other admin
i. Statistical analysis and research
ii. Returns for government bodies (e.g. Dept. for Education, Arts Council England)
iii. Audits
iv. Operational information e.g. IT support, building closures, safety
v. Promoting services
vi. Safety of individuals and assets including use of CCTV
vii. Preventing crime
viii. Complaints, appeals and disciplinaries
ix. Enquiries
m. When necessary to protect your or another person’s vital interests
Why we hold your data and legal basis
The law requires us to tell you the legal basis on which we process your data. Some activities (for example using your images) require your consent. If the law requires your consent to
process data in a certain way then we will obtain it before carrying out that activity. You will be asked to complete a media consent form on accepting a place at a Centre.
Other activities are carried out to fulfil an agreement. If the carer agreement has been signed we will process your data based on that agreement.
In some circumstances the law requires us to disclose information to another party. An example is to reclaim tax on Gift Aid. If you Gift Aid a donation, then we are required to tell HMRC the name and postcode of the donor and the date(s) and amount(s) of any such donation, otherwise we are unable to claim Gift Aid.
The processing of your personal information for the above purposes is necessary:
To interact before enrolment as part of the enquiries and admissions process
To meet our contractual obligations (e.g. to manage your student experience and welfare while studying
at a Centre)
To comply with a legal obligation (e.g. equal opportunities monitoring)
To perform tasks we carry out in the public interest (e.g. teaching)
For legitimate interests (e.g. to enable your access to other CYM services)
To protect the vital interests of you or another person
We may share information about upcoming events, courses, performances and other activities, our news, and other ways you can get involved with the Centre, unless you choose to unsubscribe which you can do at any
time by emailing
How do we keep your data safe?
The Peterborough Centre for Young Musicians commits to keeping your data securely and treating it with sensitivity. All personal data that we hold is stored on the Database with appropriate security measures in place. Any staff with access to this information will have completed the Peterborough City Council data protection training. The database can only be accessed by people who need it to do their job.
Who we can share your personal data with?
Your data will be used by staff and contractors within a Centre for the purposes specified.
Once you leave the PCYM, we will invite you to become a member of our occasional mailing list. If you give your consent we may continue to contact you via post or via email.
PCYM is part of Peterborough Music Hub which sits within Peterborough City Council and shares the same data controller. Where services are provided by PCC or shared with other departments within the PCC, your data may also be shared with
those departments.
For example this may include:
Local Authorities: when applying for performance licences
Internal auditors: For the purpose of auditing the services provided by the CYM, personal data may be processed by internal auditors, however data that may need to be removed from PCYM will be anonymised first.
PCYM will never pass information to third parties except in the following cases outlined below.
Funders and/or sponsors e.g.
o The Foundation for Young Musicians and organisations who provide funding through the
FYM and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama
o Funders of any awards or prizes
External examiners and individuals involved in relevant PCYM committees and procedures
Current education providers (e.g. schools)
PCC Cloud Hosted systems and Databases
Relevant Government Departments
o Home office
o Local Authorities for performance licences
o Department for Education
o Arts Council England
Relevant executive agencies or non-departmental public bodies
o UK Visas and Immigration
Independent Safeguarding Authority
Police and law enforcement agencies
Emergency services
Under these circumstances we always make sure that data is shared in accordance with data protection law and that appropriate controls are in place regarding how your data is handled and will ensure they never use the data for non-PCYM purposes. We will never sell your information to a third party.
External systems administrators for which we have a contract e.g.
External travel operators
Situations when your personal data might be sent to other countries include:
When the Centre uses third-party software such as SurveyMonkey and/or MailChimp to contact you
To provide vital information regarding dietary requirements or other special needs to hotels for
foreign tours
How long we keep your personal data for
Personal data will be processed in accordance with the Centre’s retention policy which is currently under review.
Some information may be retained indefinitely by us in order to maintain your academic record for archiving purposes.
Appendix 1 – Categories of person (not exhaustive) – each may have specific categories or examples
1. Student on PCYM programme
2. Student not on PCYM programme but involved in occasional activity)
3. Non-enrolled applicant for PCYM programme and not included in 1) or 2) (all application
and enquirer records)
4. Non-enrolled applicant for non-PCYM programme and not included in 1, 2, 3,
5. Enquirer not in above (all enquirer records)
6. User accounts (not in above – incomplete application may have been deleted)
7. Freelance Tutors
8. External Examiners
9. Temporary staff e.g. chaperones (may have personal email or phone numbers)
10. Next of Kin and Emergency Contact (linked to applicants and students)