A variety of sessions are offered across a range of instruments and disciplines. Each student has a bespoke timetable to enable them to thrive. Sessions are led by a team of highly skilled professional tutors and musicians.
Below is a little more information of what is available for your child at PCYM, dependent on their age etc.
- For preschool aged children (age 3-4) we offer ‘Musical Prelude’ (9am-10am). Children will embrace their first steps in music making while building confidence and social interaction. We offer parents and their children the opportunity to connect, explore and learn a variety of songs and musical activities in a safe and fun environment. Our progressive curriculum is designed to help young children experience and learn about music making in a playful way through the voice and body. Singing and movement are always at the heart of every session. As repetition is especially important to children at this stage of their development, all classes have a familiar framework, but each week but will also include new challenges. These sessions are fully funded and free to attend.
- For students in reception-year 2 (age 4-7) we offer our ‘Music Starts Here!’ session (9am-10am) which includes singing, instruments (currently ukulele), and musical games/activities. This session is £5.50 a week and is a great session them to develop both musical skills and confidence and provides a strong base for those wishing to pursue music further.. This session is normally 9am10am. Many students when they are ready then also start having either an individual (£17.50 a week) or paired (£8.75 a week) 30minute lesson on an instrument.
- For students in year 3+, who are not already learning an instrument at home or school take part in our ‘Full Curriculum’. This is a full morning of activity (9-12:25 with an instrument lesson either before/after or during) that includes a one-to-one instrument lesson, musicianship, singing an ensemble and performance. The cost of this is £34 a week. If they already learn an instrument at home or school, the cost is £16.50 for the same morning without an instrument lesson. Individual lessons only are available (£19 for 30minutes) also however we would always encourage students to take part in the other activity if at all possible to maximise their musical learning and experience.
- Also, for secondary aged students (year 7+), we also offer Music Production (Flyer attached) for those more interested in electronic music making (timings have changes slightly so please ask). There is no additional cost if already taking part in Core/Full Curriculum, £5.50 per week if not.
- For students of any age with SEND or additional needs, we offer ‘Music Inclusive’, a fun, multi-sensory music making session for children and young people and their families. Sessions take place half termly. The session will be led by Eleanor Gibson, who has over 30 years’ experience of facilitating music in special schools and other settings. Each session will have a theme which we will explore through sound, music making and multi-sensory elements to maximize opportunities for participation and creativity. These sessions are fully funded and free to attend.
We offer a 10% discount for 2 siblings taking part and a 20% discount for 3+ siblings
We meet on term time Saturdays at Ormiston Bushfield Academy.
We have free instrument loan available for most instruments apart from drum kit and piano where students must have their own at home (piano needs to be 88 weighted keys).
We have means tested bursaries available so please do ask if you would like any more information.
Below is the link to our website. You can also view some of our students’ individual performances from last term on our Facebook and Twitter feeds.
We would love to invite you child for a free trial one Saturday. Would this be something you would be interested in?
Please do ask any further questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you.
PCYM pupils will develop key skills in:
- the discipline of regular practice
- instrumental and vocal techniques
- musical analysis
- performance skills
There are many benefits to regular music making:
- Increased Well Being
- Being part of a community
- Teamwork
- It is Fun!
- Exciting opportunities
Saturday mornings during term time throughout the academic year.
Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQ