Please read the following terms and conditions of your child’s place at PCYM carefully.   

I agree:  

  • To pay the annual fee (subject to any agreed discount) in full (or proportion thereof if starting after the commencement of the academic year) within 30 days of receipt of invoice, or in an agreed number of instalments i.e. termly or by standing order.  
  • The full annual fee will vary according to the timetable requests I have made.  
  • If I fail to pay the fees when requested, PCYM is entitled to exclude my child from the course and that I will still be liable for the full annual fee.  
  • If I withdraw my child from the course at any time during the year the full annual fee (or proportion of annual fees if my child started after the commencement of the academic year) will still be payable unless dispensation has been granted by the Head of CYM . (See below)  
  • Students are expected to remain at PCYM for a full academic year (or remainder of the academic year if tuition commenced after the start of the year).  
  • To not arrange other activities on PCYM sessions or concerts (see term dates) until permission for absence has been granted by PCYM.  
  • That my child will:   
  • Attend AS close to 100% PCYM sessions as possible 
  • Attend all Concerts/Performances   
  • Be on time for PCYM and ALL sessions   
  • Practice regularly at home  

I understand that:  

  • We regret it is not possible to give refunds in the event of a student’s absence as the Centre has to continue paying professional tutors and overheads. PCYM expects as close to 100% attendance as possible, as the best progress is made by students if they commit to the long-term weekly training.   
  • Once a student is established on the courses at PCYM, after a trial week, a MINIMUM of 5 teaching weeks (Half a terms) notice is required in writing/email to stop attending (Notification BEFORE the first PCYM session of the preceding half term). This notice period is required so the Centre can fulfil its obligations to the professional tutors and pay for the facilities, and to ensure a proper commitment is made by the young musicians attending. The students get the best of the Centre and out of themselves if they commit to attending every Saturday in term time, so there is no ‘drop-in’ option or fortnightly attendance option. Thank you for your understanding.  
  • Should a teacher be absent one of the following will occur: appropriate cover will be put in place, the lesson will be rearranged for an appropriate time, the lesson will be refunded. 
  • Students are accepted into PCYM on the condition that they make satisfactory progress and attend regularly. Concerns will be discussed at the earliest opportunity. 
  • I understand that when students wish to be absent, permission must be requested in writing (email will suffice). 
  • PCYM is unable to give permission for my child to miss concerts or important rehearsals. Leave of absence will normally be granted for days when a student is not involved in a concert, an important rehearsal, an internal assessment or other important event. Repeated absence can be detrimental to a student’s musical progress and very disruptive to ensemble work. For this reason, the Head of PCYM will normally only grant a student a maximum of 2 absences per term.  
  • In the event of grave misconduct by my child, the Head of PCYM will have the right to expel or suspend my child immediately and that in the event of such expulsion or suspension no proportion of PCYM fees will be refunded. (See Code of Conduct)  

Parent/Carer Declaration: I have read and agree to the Parent/Carer Agreement and Student Expectations  

These conditions are subject to change from time to time. Parents will be notified in writing in advance of any such changes.